Be Sherlock Holmes in the Grocery Store

For those of you who love food and cooking, visiting a grocery store must be a refreshing experience. Colours and sweet smells of fruits and breads hit my nose whenever I walk into Sobeys or Zehrs. I believe that everyone has faced a problem like “how to take the best fruit home?” before. So, follow me! I will turn you into a fruit expert, a useful companion for your roommate in the supermarket.

  • Be the best quality supervisor when picking up avocados

Believe it or not, avocados are one of the most versatile fruits in the world. You don’t want your “butter of the forest” blackened or unripe.

  1. Look for dark green or black avocados with the most rough surface at first glance. It’s better to be entirely rough than having glossy skin.
  2. Make the most out of your fingers. Take the firm and heavier one among those with similar size.
  3. Be generous with your avocado. Leave it room to have some softness. Then you can taste the creamiest fruit immediately at home. Hard avocados usually take 1-2 days to ripen in room temperature.
  4. The stem tells you about the inside! If you dare, take apart the little stem at the bottom of the avocado. Yellowish-green area under the stem means it is healthy and ripe, while dark colouring means the avocado is closer to rotting.

    The right one is better

One last little tip for avocado-savvy people! Have you ever hesitated to buy one when that single avocado costs you 2 bucks or more? Go and look for a bag of them! A bag of five avocados is priced cheaper for its weight.

  • Dont be afraid of taking a whole watermelon home

Summer is ahead. Pure iced watermelon juice, watermelon smoothie, salad, jelly… just think of all the different foods it can provide. You may want a whole watermelon and give it a bite!

  1. Knock your watermelon? Wait and take a look at it first. Every watermelon has a yellowish filed spot where it touched soil. Choose the creamier one and you will be rewarded with sweetness.IMG_0643
  2. The rounder the better. A uniform shape without sudden lump is result of receiving consistent “love” like water and sunshine. These make your watermelon sweeter!

    I found her!
  3. Having regular strings of green on the skin is good.
  4. Prettier melons are not always more delicious. Try the melon with more brown patterns on the surface: they are signs of pollination and sweetness.
  5. Weigh the watermelons. Like avocados, a heavier melon tastes better than a lighter melon if they’re the same size.
  6. Okay! If you want to look more professional, knock the watermelon. Listen for sound of tenor instead of dullness, since firm watermelon flesh makes a higher pitch. Isn’t it a fun application of physics knowledge?